Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great online store: Present & Correct

I am one of those people who goes nuts over a pretty paperclip or great new pen or notepad with a nice border. I want everything in my office to look a little less boring and office-y. If you are like me, you will enjoy this.

Present & Correct is a British papergoods and office supply store that features a lot of cute vintage and European items.

The other end looks like a pencil but has an eraser where the lead should be! I think this whole thing is genius. They are from the 1960s.

£75 Leather School Satchel
These are made by the Cambridge Satchel Company. I don't know what that is or anything about it, but isn't that just perfect? It's 14" so you can fit your 13" computer.
It also comes in black but you should get the brown. It looks richer and will age better.

£45 Yellow desk set
So cheerful! It could make you forget that you are in a windowless cubicle and your neighbor is talking too loud on the phone and someone microwaved something smelly in the kitchen. Nope, you are outside in the sunshine! See?
Now put some staples in those drawers.

£17.50 Alphabet of Endangered Species of the British Isles
I think this would be great for a nursery or for a classroom.
The colors are calming and neutral and go with anything.
Plus, there aren't enough pictures out there of the Great Crested Newt (band name alert!)

1 comment:

  1. lol, I recently got a new job and was going to email you about classy sources for decking out my cube.... this is perfect!


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