Monday, May 21, 2012

Gold Bar Clutch Substitutes

Ever since seeing that Chanel gold bar clutch, I can't get it out of my head.
It's a shame because it's thousands of dollars, and also completely sold out so I couldn't even get one if I decided I was stupid enough to spend the money on it.
The original Chanel one

HOWEVER, I did find some alternatives that are much cheaper, and possibly also much tackier.

1. Vinyl wholesale option
$8 each SS13 Gold bar clutch
This is pretty close, even though it opens differently and is made of plastic and has a removable wrist strap. Too bad it's wholesale only and I think the minimum order is something crazy.

2. Replica hollow gold bar prop

$16.99 Gold bar prop
This option requires some handiwork and skill.
It's a prop from a movie set, and it looks pretty great, right?
It says it's hollow, so I guess you could saw it in half width-wise and then attach some kind of hinges and closure.

3. Ceramic coin bank
$9.99 Kikkerland gold bar coin bank
I don't even know with this one, it was just shiny and I liked it.
Maybe you could fill it with $1 coins and then use it as a clutch. More likely, just leave it at home. I wouldn't know how to alter this.

4. Plastic gold bar decorations
$5.50 for a pack of 6 gold bar halves
These are hollow half-bars, so you wouldn't need to cut them like in option 1.
You'd just need to figure out how to attach them together and keep them closed.
They are plain and kind of flimsy looking, so I am not sure.

5. DIY pencil case
Blogger Soccer Mom Style (cringe) posted this DIY project she did trying to replicate the Chanel bag.
Her solution was to paint and then gold leaf a pencil case, after putting vinyl letters on it so they would look raised.
Looks decent, but still kind of like a pencil case.

What do you think the best option would be?

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