Monday, October 15, 2012

Etsy Finds of the Day: State bird and flower prints

Dutch Door Press on Etsy sells these pretty prints which they make using images of the official bird and flower from each state.
These would be great gifts, I think.

Here is New York:
$15 NY state print
That is the rose and eastern bluebird

Here is Massachusetts where I grew up:
$15 MA state print
Black capped chickadee and mayflower

$15 OR state print
Meadowlark and Oregon grape


$15 ME state print
Chickadee and white pine cone and tassel

Or you can buy all 50 at once
$500 Set of 50 state bird and flower prints

1 comment:

  1. The MA print is better than the others by a LANDSLIDE :) GO Sawx!!


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